Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Web camera software senses movement, triggers alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Webcam software identifies motion, triggers
siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Webcam software identifies movement, sounds siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email
Web cameras
are perfect for more than just making online communications
more practical. They can furthermore be
an really practical instrument
for exploit in residence or organization security.


is now available that can identify motion and use
it as a trigger for countless procedures.

The way that
it works is to study the image sent by a camera that is either attached via USB
or using a video capture device for movement. While it picks up
that motion, it can then acquire any number of procedures,
including triggering an alarm.

An other popular software, though, is to either
send live shots of what is happening in the scene that is covered by the webcam
or to even broadcast through live streaming precisely what is
happening with both sound and image. If installed surreptitiously,
this application could even be used for covert surveillance.

Given the
large amount of devices that either have a web camera connected
or can support one, this is an excellent way to inexpensively and easily protect
the area around that pc
from invasion or burglary.

Broadcasting live video and audio from capture card
via camera computer application

Streaming online video and audio from capture card through webcam computer application

Security software

If you find yourself with a need to record security video with a webcam over an area,

server software

may be the right choice for you. Using this software, it is possible to set up a
camera to detect motion and begin recording once it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the camera may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video
needs to be accessible off-site, can be webcast using the server's broadcasting
function to a web site.

Depending on the quality of the webcam and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition tv signal.
Using a setup like this, it is possible to provide a measure of surveillance for an area when
the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.


do-it-yourself approach

can save money while not compromising on security.

I'm using camera software. I
can webcast Internet video to watch my apartment
from everywhere.

Web camera software senses motion, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new

camera application
, I can run a broadcasting webcast
of my site visible from the Internet. This opens up a number
of possibilities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this webcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to see what's going on in my site
at any moment from a remote viewing pc.

As long as I have the web camera
running and a remote pc with Internet access, I can watch the room.
With the software and the camera, I can change the settings to capture video,
sense activity (if I don't want to keep the camera running at all times),
or use a combination of a live feed and recorded video to realize a protection
system that takes full advantage of modern technology.

With a capture card,
I can easily transmit relevant video and screenshots to use on
any pc.

With delicate files on my station
and useful stuff in my room,
it only makes sense to have a security setup that I can monitor whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small firm or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

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